Helping journalists earn news consumers’ trust
How do people decide what news is trustworthy? And how can journalists influence what users consume and share? This site shares findings from the Trusting News project. Follow our current experiments in real time on our Medium publication.
When facing a mountain of mistrust, we want journalists to feel empowered, not hopeless. We've worked with 53 newsrooms partners so far. Our most recent testing, which wrapped up in May 2018, involved experiments that were based on insights from 8,728 user questionnaires and 81 in-depth interviews, conducted by journalists in these newsrooms. Take a look at our latest strategies, and at how we're measuring their success.
Is your newsroom invested in earning trust? We rely on newsrooms willing to help test our strategies, and we keep track of newsrooms who would like to be notified next time we need partners. Indicate your interest here to be considered for the next phase of our project. With questions, contact project director Joy Mayer at
This website will be updated in Fall 2018 with our most recent findings. The rest of what's here now showcases social media work already conducted as part of Trusting News. With the help of 14 news outlets, we studied users' reactions to social media strategies designed to build trust. What we've learned can help journalists influence what the public chooses to believe, and to pass along. (In a rush? Jump straight to these ideas worth stealing or these DIY worksheets.)

We analyzed about 500 Facebook posts to identify strategies that gained reader trust — and those that didn't.
We tagged the posts by strategy, success rate, and newsroom to make them easy to search and learn from.
Want to get started? These worksheets can help your newsroom discuss which approaches might work for you.