Use this gallery to find newsroom examples on a specific story topic. The Trusting News team is finding news consumers tend to have more questions about certain story topics. Some examples include:
Breaking news • COVID-19 Coronavirus • Crime and safety • Fact checks • Investigations • Opinion • Politics and government • Sports
See a few stand-out examples in this gallery, and scroll down for a longer list to get inspired.
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CORONAVIRUS: WCPO wrote a column explaining how it was adjusting programming so their journalists could practice safe social distancing while still providing important information during the pandemic.

OPINION: To be more transparent about how opinion content is sourced and who’s writing it, the editorial board at the Corpus Christi Caller-Times included an editor’s note at the top of an opinion piece noting the state rep was invited to write the piece, and explained why.

CRIME AND SAFETY: The Standard-Examiner explained why they were using certain terms to describe guns and then asked for feedback from users after getting reader questions on a Facebook poll.

INVESTIGATIONS: WUSA took time to highlight their coverage of stop and frisk laws and asked people to contact them if they have been stopped and frisked and then reminded their users: “our reporting is only as strong as the community we’re honored to serve.”

POLITICS & GOVERNMENT: Community Impact explained how they were approaching primary election season by writing a story about which races they’d cover, how they’d reach out to all candidates and that they would not endorse candidates.

FACT CHECKS: The Coloradoan boosted credibility and helped readers know what to expect by including “Fact Check” into the headline, both on-site and on social media.